In order to suit the needs of different users, we offer Standard and Platinum subscriptions. Both of them offer you unlimited streaming.
Standard Subscription
Auto-connect to the fastest available server
Streaming without restrictions, browse all websites (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Taobao, Wechat, QQ etc.) in lightning speed
Platinum Subscription
Enjoy all benefits included in Standard subscription
Simply switch between Full Speed and Full Mask mode
In full mask mode, IP is automatically changed according to the websites you are browsing
If Standard subscription can’t meet all of your needs, please try Platinum subscription, which provides the most stable connection and blazing speed when accessing some special websites, such as Bilibili、Netflix 、 Spotify 、duonaolive etc., in Full Mask mode. After your upgrade, the remaining time of Standard subscription will be automatically transferred to your account and you will enjoy the highest level of our service.
If you encounter any problem while using LetsVPN, don’t hesitate to email us at Our customer support team is happy to assist you.